Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary field that refers to the skill sets needed in the contemporary, advanced automated manufacturing industry. At the intersection of mechanics, electronics, and computing, mechatronics specialists create simpler, smarter systems. Mechatronics deals with robotics, control systems, and electro-mechanical systems.
What do mechatronics professionals do?
Mechatronics specialists can do quite a bit across multiple disciplines and have a solid base from which to grow. Mechatronics specialists know both mechanical and electrical engineering fundamentals—they speak both languages—so a mechatronics specialist can work with both mechanical and engineering teams.
Job fields :
Mechatronic specialists may use the following job titles:
Automotive Engineer
Control System Engineer
Data Logging Engineer
Instrumentation Engineer
Project Engineer
Software Engineer
Systems Engineer
Service Engineer
Let's have look at some good Mechatronics Project Ideas:
Biped Walking Robots: ...
Robotic Arm: ...
Animatronic Hand: ...
Bluetooth controlled Hexapod Robot: ...
Automatic Solar Tracker: ...
Voice Controlled Robot: ...
Automatic Vacuum Cleaner Robot: ...
Plant Irrigation Water Sprinkler Robot